Monday, August 11, 2008


After spending a full week painting (watercolor & Chinese art with Lian Quan Zhen at Omega, it took me a full week after my vacation (which wasn't a true vacation) to catch up with my business (Z-Best Bookkeeping). I loved the class, but haven't started painting again. I hope I will get inspired soon. I have lots of ideas. We didn't actually get to finish anything we started in the class, just learned many new techniques. I loved watching the demos and talking to the other students. I hope to incorporate some of the techniques into my own style of art.

Before I went to Omega, one of my clients insisted I take a portfolio of my cards with me. I thought that was a bit silly as I assumed the class would be filled with other artists who were undoubtedly better and why would they buy my art. I was wrong and sold quite a few cards. So, I have started putting them up on the FLICKR website where I have other photos. Today I posted the ones that I have available as small cards. As I have time, I will put more up.

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