Friday, September 17, 2010

Student and Teacher

I'm back to being a student this week, studying acrylic painting with Jeanne Lachance at EW Poore's. I had a good first class, started on a view of the sunset from my window (from a photograph I took some time ago).  I think I understand my issues with the new medium.  I'm used to watercolor, or Chinese colors, only using a little bit of pigment, then going darker a little bit at a time. I don't need to do that with acrylics. I'll try to be braver next week and put more pigment on the brush. Meanwhile, I'm happy with my initial canvas and when it's done, I'll post it.  The class is 12 weeks and each student works at his/her own project. It's enjoyable to walk around and see what others are doing. Jeanne has some beautiful drawings up on her blog too.

I also started a new student this week. I am a volunteer tutor with the literacy program at the city library.  My new student is from China and we will be working on improving her English skills. I've had students from China (as well as other countries) before and I expect that this will be a good experience for both of us.

Sunset tonight starts the holiest day of the Jewish year, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). For a brief summary: Chabad summary/Yom Kippur  While I personally do not fast on this day, I wish a good fast for my friends and family who do. May it be a good year for all, (5771 on the Jewish calendar), filled with peace, good health, joy and happiness.

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