Saturday, March 12, 2011

Work in Progress

No time for blogging this week. I'm really looking forward to the sale of my business and retirement in a few months. Meanwhile, I am working on art in bits and pieces.

This is an oil pastel drawing/painting on cold press watercolor paper. I started by following the directions in a book, but gave up after a while and I'm just proceeding on my own now. The book is "Oil Pastel Step by Step" by Nathan Rohlander. He recommends gesso on the paper, then a mixture of matt medium & ultramarine blue as a base before doing the painting. He didn't explain well about the blue and I think I had too much blue and should have had more matt medium, less blue. Anyway, it is getting covered up as I use the oil pastels.

The image was of a bridge in Twin Falls where there were people parachuting (gliders?) off the bridge. It was an interesting place to stop and take a break on a long drive from Boise (Idaho) to Salt Lake City (Utah) through the state of Nevada.

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