Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Living in a world of possibilities

I am living in a world of possibilities now
leaving the working world soon for another focus
the world of retirement

I don’t think I’ll write as much
perhaps more haiku instead of poetry
the art world has caught my attention
always something new to learn
another verse to illustrate

more time to hike or walk
watching for the heron at the pond
the mallards still there in winter
there’s always another mountain or hill
to climb, the views inspiring
I say a prayer each time I reach the top

so thankful to live here, to be alive,
to see the beauty and feel all the possibilities
open to me as I approach the autumn
and winter of my life

copyright Linda H. Feinberg 2010

Photo taken on Cape Cod (Massachusetts) this past weekend while on havurah retreat. Amazing not to have any snow yet. We had a wonderful time with the group and would recommend the retreat (or a similar one) to anyone who needs a weekend away from their every day life. Havurah


Anonymous said...

This site seems to be so peaceful.

Seattle Homes

Linda H. Feinberg said...

Thank you. I have been through my dark times and one of my goals at this time in my life is to have inner peace (and joy).