Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Photo by Dina Freedman - Salt Lake City. My daughter is a meteorologist and likes to take photos of clouds. I thought this one was beautiful.

I have had no time to post while catching up on my work. Today is finally a little calmer. The windstorm we had last week left us without power for two days. I didn't mind the cold, but missed the light. Dina is sending us headlamps for the next time. Reading by candlelight is not fun.

I also thought about the windstorm outside, lots of damaged trees, and the windstorm inside my mind. I think there is a poem in there somewhere. It just needs to percolate a bit more.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Great photograph Linda. We were without electricity for three days. We stayed at Marie's and had fun. Jeanne