Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sales for a non-sales type person

Joe & I enjoyed the Israeli festival on Sunday. He sold 10 books and I sold cards (but no prints or originals). I received lots of positive comments on my artwork, both on Sunday in Manchester and Friday night in Derry (Etz Hayim synagogue display).

While I am comfortable now selling my consulting and bookkeeping skills for my business (after more than 20 years of practice), I still do not have the self-confidence about my artwork. However, I did feel upbeat, especially when one of my former art teachers bought some cards! That was good for my ego.

It was interesting to me to see which designs sold. Some that were popular the last time I did a table did not sell at all this time. I now have a rotating card display rack, so that helped people look at the different cards. I'll be doing another market in August in Rindge, NH at the havurah retreat we'll be attending. I'm looking forward to that. It was good being next to Joe's table too, he kept my anxiety down to a manageable level.

Oh yes, the most popular card was the one that I have at the upper left on the blog (Teach us to treasure each day. . . ).

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