Thursday, July 23, 2020

Another Summer Month

Doe and fawn at Municipal Park in downtown Boise, Idaho. I went there to paint with the plein air painters group.  I was surprised to see deer in an urban park, but I guess it is near enough to various rivers and the foothills for them to wander around. They were used to the children and did not run away even when kids came fairly close. This park is also a nature center and a good place for kids to learn about nature.

There were fish in the pond, but I didn't come to go fishing. I made such a mess with my last oil plein air painting that I decided to just sketch with watercolors.  I took photos of the last few outings and will go back to them later to make more paintings.  Here are a few:
This is my setup with my new Sienna pochade box.  This is a little better than my last box as it has a side panel to hold brushes and water, but it does not have a carry handle which I find strange. The professional plein air easels and tripods that the other artists use are very expensive and I wasn't sure I would continue with this kind of painting.  I really prefer to paint in my nice air conditioned studio.  I'm still getting used to the hot summers in Idaho.  We have been here 3 years now and I'm starting to enjoy going around looking at stuff.

The art group also did a trip to a lavender farm in the next town. I just did some sketching at that one, but plan on doing some actual paintings from my studies and photos.

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