Thursday, December 12, 2019

Works in Progress

I tried painting a sunset from a friend's photo (with permission). I was not happy with it, but added one of the morning blessings in Hebrew. I had to abbreviate it a little to fit it in the space. I am not used to doing Hebrew letters with a brush, I used to do calligraphy with a dip pen. That works better on the letters. The blessing thanks God for giving us the wisdom to distinguish between day and night.  It is acrylic paint on 18" X 24" canvas.

On a foggy, rainy winter day I decided to paint a little bit of spring. This is a crabapple tree in bloom at Dorrs Pond in Manchester, NH, one of my favorite places to walk when I lived in NH. The walk from my house to the pond and around it was about 45 minutes. It was a walk I enjoyed in all seasons. I'm not sure if I'll continue working on it. It is just a nice memory for me. Oil paint on canvas, 11" X 14".

Aurora. 8" X 10" oil paint on canvas board.  I don't really like painting from other people's photos, but this was a beautiful one in a desk calendar of Alaska photos that I bought in Skagway on our Alaska trip.

These are practice paintings for me and are not for sale, but I enjoy challenging myself to try different techniques and landscapes.

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