Wednesday, December 25, 2019

More WIP

I gesso'ed over an old acrylic experimental composition and played with some oil colors to make something abstract in a diagonal composition form. It was fun playing, but I didn't really like the way this came out. I feel it needed more contrast in values. I may go back to it at some time and attempt to improve it.

I found a video online which was a copy of a copy so this is not an original image. I enjoyed using the different techniques with the oil pigments. The original was a Winslow Homer watercolor and David Dunlop showed how to paint it in oils. Of course, I don't have that level of painting expertise, but I enjoyed following along with the video.  I might use his techniques another time on one of my own images.  This was Prout's Neck in Maine. I have never been there although I have spent lots of time in Maine when I lived in New England.  It was a quick image to play with and I enjoyed painting it.

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