Thursday, February 27, 2020

In the Tetons

In the Tetons, acrylic painting on gallery wrap canvas, 16" X 20". This is my first paid commissioned painting. It was from the customer's photograph, but I have been in the Tetons (Wyoming) and know what they look like.  I would have preferred to do this in oil, but it would take too long to dry and varnish. I am bringing this back to NH in April when we return for Passover.  I worked out a combination payment and barter with the customer. That worked well for both of us.  This painting will be hanging in the lobby of her work area so she can enjoy it.

Not sure what I am on to next.  A friend and I went to the exhibit of the Treasure Valley Artists Alliance in Meridian, Idaho. I have one old painting up there, Amaryllis. The theme of the exhibit was red and I really enjoyed looking at what the other artists came up with. The exhibit finishes on Friday and that gallery (on the third floor of the Meridian City Hall) has a new exhibit for March (not our group). I looked at the names of the future exhibitors and I'll be sure to go back for June. Artist Fred Choate will be showing then and I love his paintings of the northwest. It is a light filled and pleasant gallery, a surprise for me in a city hall.

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