Saturday, June 28, 2008

About Being Visible

in the mountains

heard but not seen
the voice of the bullfrog
resonant and clear
calling for a mate
the pond green with lily pads
and algae
the trail skirting around it
as we continued downhill

back at the camp
a rabbit and a doe
clearly seen
quietly returning
to the meadows and woods
seen but not heard
invisibly blending
with their surroundings

and beautiful birds
both seen and heard
visible in the world
present and joyous
as we can be
when we connect
to ourselves
to each other
and to God

copyright 2002 Linda H. Feinberg
from chapbook "Gathering the Sparks"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chapter Ten Meeting with the Desert Rats

Natan rises and says, "Well gentlemen, we have a lot to think about. You have evidently thought about this for awhile. Don't expect us to give you an answer overnight. We will get back to you in two weeks, whether or not we are interested."

"So, what do you think, Yosef?" As they climb into the new Volvo that Ariel received as his latest car.

"I think they are very intelligent individuals. I can see why they did not continue as officers in the military. Both of them express a sense of disrespect for authority. Yet, I sense they will come back with a proposal.

"Ariel, I read their military files. These men are not frightened easily and I suspect they realize what the political situation is with Iran.

"I think they will realize that this plan is probably a last ditch effort on Israel's part to undercover the truth about Iran before the Israeli government reacts."

Speeding down the highway to Tel Aviv, Ariel frowns and asks, "What do you suggest that we do if they say no."

"Ha, you are the director Ariel; don't lay that one on me."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hooksett trail

Easy walking/biking trail in Hooksett, NH - just a few miles for us. The trailhead is across from Green's Marine on Route 3 north. This was an old, abandoned railroad bed. The trail is next to a new development, but as you walk further in, it becomes more interesting. Ponds, clouds, little frogs, a big rock with interesting graffiti, another rock with a head that looked like a sheep (photo above). We checked the topo map when we returned home and this trail connects with the trails behind Dube's Pond that we have hiked and cross-country skied many times (snowmobile trails). Some bikers told Joe there were fish in the pond so he'll go back another day with his fishing gear to see for himself.

More photos at:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter Nine Situation Room in the White House

After pouring himself some water from the pitcher, the President opens the meeting saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the NSA and CIA directors are going to make a presentation regarding the escalation of Iran's nuclear intentions.

"When this presentation is completed, I want each and every one of you to comment on three things.

"What additional means of dialog can we generate to convince Iran to abide by their previous non-proliferation agreements?

"If Iran persists in going ahead with their hard line tactics enriching uranium and possibly developing nuclear weapons, what military means can we use to stop them?

"Last, if we are to take a military course of action, what results are you expecting? What kind of retaliation do you foresee the Iranians taking?"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


In the blink of an eye
Many hours have gone by ...

While I enjoyed putting together the puzzle from my friend (750 pieces), I found it somewhat obsessive. Always trying to find one more piece to fit. My friends find jigsaw puzzles relaxing. I did not.

Putting the puzzle together reminded me of the photos I've seen of Tibetan lamas making a beautiful mandala with colored sand. When they are done, they sweep it away... part of their spiritual practice.

Now that I'm done with the puzzle, I will take it apart and put it in the box and pass it on to another friend. I think I'll stick with nature walks, hiking and music for my spiritual practice. I admire the lamas, but I need to take my own path.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

two cats stalking

now that the dog’s gone
the cats come brazenly into the yard
stalking the birds and squirrels

we have a suet feeder on a tree and
a “squirrel proof” bird feeder
hanging from a pole

the cats remind me of the nature shows on TV
big cats stalking their prey on the African savannah

these domestic cats are well fed, though,
and don’t need to catch their prey
they just wander off into the next yard
as the birds fly off

the squirrels chatter at them
but know it’s safe to come back down
once they’re gone

copyright 2008 Linda H. Feinberg

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chapter Eight Instructions from the Prime Minister

Mossad's director calls his team leader, "Come down to my office, we need to talk."

Shit this doesn't sound very good. I wonder if the Prime Minister shot down the idea.

As Yosef walks through Ariel's doorway, he still can't pick up any positive vibes from Ariel.

"Yosef, set up a meeting with this clandestine team you know. You and I will be the only Mossad attendees. If we reach some mutual agreement we must meet with the Prime Minister.

Yosef's face shows that he is surprised the prime minister wants him in a meeting.

"Yes, both of us will meet with him to explain this."

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Shavuot (Feast of Weeks)

we were all there at Mt. Sinai
at revelation
we were all there at the exodus
freed from slavery
all generations
past, present and future
all the sinners and saints
wise ones and fools
all together in God's eternal
unfathomable plan
all still struggling today
to understand our part in it

let us celebrate the harvest of the first fruits
the learning of the aleph-bet
the completion of counting the omer
our freedom to study torah
and rejoice in this multi-named holiday
while we continue to pray for peace
and work for a better world for all . . .

chag sameach

(multi-named: Feast of Weeks, Bringing in the First Fruits,
Giving of the Torah etc.; chag sameach-happy holiday)

copyright 2002 Linda H. Feinberg, from my chapbook
“Gathering the Sparks”

This year (2008), Shavuot starts at sundown on Sunday, June 8th.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Chapter Seven Directed by the President

"John, as CIA director and former deputy director I have never seen a joint meeting held by our two agencies. I sense that you feel it is too touchy of a situation and I am hoping we can provide the president with what he needs and not let inter-agency pettiness get in the way."

"Allison, I'm surprised that you even think this."

"Okay John, you're surprised, but I want to lay my cards on the table. This is a national security issue and we cannot allow ourselves to present this information in any way but a jointly supported proposal. We cannot use this forum to grandstand. We need to clarify the issues and give our opinions as jointly supported or give them with each other's viewpoints. I don't want you to come up with something that will make the CIA appear incompetent and I will not do that to the NSA. Everything we discuss here is for presentation. Should other issues arise before the meeting, let's both agree to notify the other. Clear!"

Monday, June 2, 2008

Selling My Cards

Best advice from Sunday's exhibit -- only do tables or exhibits where there are lots of people there for another function. This seems to be working for me. I sold quite a few cards at the last two functions (one in Derry, one in Manchester). I have a better idea now of what interests people. It would seem that they like the prayers or verses with my watercolors or photos behind them. They don't seem to be fussy as to which ones are calligraphy and which ones use the word processor (Hebrew or English) and are much neater. Sample below.